Severalls and Braiswick
Severalls and Braiswick Primary Schools – Skanska PLC/Essex County Council
Skanska is contracted to deliver with Essex County Council a number of primary schools across the County. A number are funded through S106 payments from other consented schemes or publicly funded.
Consent has been achieved for a 420 pupil primary school and early years centre at New Braiswick Park, Colchester. The site is not designated or within the boundaries of the Colchester developed area, although it is within the education catchment area. It has a blanket TPO and ecological constraints. It was subject to a Judicial Review challenge by residents which was not upheld. It opened in September 2015.
Consent achieved for a 420 pupil primary school on part of the Severalls Hospital site, Colchester. It is within a Grade II Registered Historic Park and Garden and within the setting of a Grade II listed building. A TPO affects the site and ecological interests. The school is now open.