39 Cheval Place, Knightsbridge

Appointed to project manage the application for change of use from offices to a single residential dwelling at 39 Cheval Place, Knightsbridge on behalf of Mr & Mrs Miller, Beddington Investments. This is against the backdrop of Kensington & Chelsea’s Borough wide restriction against permitted change of use and a presumption against the loss of office accommodation. Pre-application consultation highlighted that change of use would be acceptable providing evidence was submitted to demonstrate that office use was no longer viable. Despite a full marketing report being submitted with the application and demonstration of the site’s inability to be converted to a larger number of residential units, the Council refused the application.

An appeal was submitted against the three reasons for refusal and whilst an informal hearing was requested, as the Council mounted very little evidence to counter the appellant’s case, the appeal was determined by written representation. The Inspector found in favour of the applicant’s evidence on viability with full active and continuous marketing, the evidence that the property could not be subdivided further to create more residential units, whilst the appellant lost the argument for the ability to apply for a residents car parking permit.

A fresh application was submitted for change of use to residential from offices with a S106 Agreement agreeing that a residents parking permit could not be secured utilising the appeal decision and planning permission has now been granted by RBKC.

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